Today’s Question XXXVII

This is the last question of the series, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
metaquizzical|monthly is coming up this weekend, so get your protein shakes ready for a marathon. More information on the monthly in an upcoming Update.
Look forward to more questions by Madhuri Rao next week.

Recognise and Connect the following

Imp: Leave the connect in a separate comment. This is to be a theme for the week. The theme will be revealed only at the end of the week.





Cracked by anugold16, Chetan Noronha, madhurirao and Rohan Shetty. Meghan Naidu and shruti omprakash(welcome) get part marks for a couple of goof ups each 🙂 , and Rohan Shetty who was on hiatus returns to complete the theme. 🙂

Quoting MadhuriRao,
1.Cover of “My Architect”, based on the life of Louis I Kahn by his son Nathaniel Kahn.
2.Philiph Johnson And Nathaniel Kahn

Quoting anugold16 on the connect,
Both pics are from the movie My Architect: A son’s journey, made by Nathaniel Kahn about his father,architect Louis I Kahn.

The Theme.
The theme of the week was “Architecture in Movies”. Inspired by Question XXXI (by anugold16), rightly pointed out by Rohan 🙂
Defending my choice to use Blade Runner and for more info on Architecture in Movies follow this link – Architecture in movies

~ by vivekchandran on May 1, 2009.

18 Responses to “Today’s Question XXXVII”

  1. oops sorry.lil slow.louis kahn’s the connect??
    n the 2ns pic’s philip johnson n louis kahn….

  2. damn..wrong again..m so sorry.its louis kahn’s son..nathaniel kahn wit johnson before he made the movie about his father..but m guesing the connect’s right!!:)

  3. Dhaka Parliamentary Building
    Nathaniel Kahn conversing with Philip Johnson

    Scenes from My Architect

  4. The theme is Architecture in movies
    First 4 images of Ritz, louvre and Rosalyn are in ‘Da Vinci Code’
    The next 2 – fort knox and trellick tower in James Bond ‘Goldfinger’
    And the last one of course from ‘My Architect’

    Good question… 😀

  5. Oh forgot to scroll below… turns out ‘Fountainhead’ was also one of the movies

  6. So scrolled more and there were more movies… lol so will list all of em now:
    My Architect
    Da Vinci Code
    Blade Runner (bad one.. :D)
    Aeon Flux (love the Architecture in the movie)

    And of course the one below that – Quantum of Solace… not a part of the series but I’m guessing a part of the inspiration for the set up…. 😀

  7. The theme of the week is Architecture in Movies.

  8. Well like I said, by bad one I meant it was fictitious work which connected it to the theme too directly. So did ‘My Architect’ and ‘Fountainhead’ where you showed scenes from the movie.

    Aeon Flux, Goldfinger and Da Vinci Code were great representations for a quiz of this theme. (Even ‘Quantum of Solace’ would have been… :D)

    And BTW great reading on that ‘Blade Runners’ site. Its funny when you look back to have actually watched the movie as a kid and now actually see the detail of environment the movie dealt with. It’s true man, some civilizations are expressed through their architecture alone.. 😀

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